A TYPICALLY wet Knockhill circuit in the Scottish Highlands played havoc with the Piranha Racing team's tyre choice and prematurely ended rider Simon Andrews' weekend in a delayed Supersport race.

In what is considered unusual conditions, the first qualifying session on the Saturday remained dry throughout.

Andrews, initially, headed the time sheets but, on his final qualifying run, was first baulked by riders leaving the pit lane and then had Pere Riba fall in front of him and he subsequently dropped down to 12th.

With the entire afternoon session cancelled due to rain, the Vale racer was unable to better his time and grid spot.

Heavens opened

Like the last round at Brands Hatch, the heavens opened just prior to the race and the undulating nature of the track meant that large pools of standing water gathered at various points leaving the organisers with no alternative but to first delay and then re-schedule the race.

Team manager Andy Colbourne stated that the unpredictable weather at the circuit made tyre choice a nightmare.

"Choosing the right tyre here is a real lottery," he moaned.

"The track was drying and, like half the grid, we opted for a wet front and intermediate rear hoping that the rain would hold off and the racing line would continue to dry out.

"Unfortunately, there was a heavy shower mid-race and, with riders sliding off everywhere, we brought Simon in. It's a long way to come for no result!"

Andrews was clearly frustrated at what had been a difficult weekend.

"We came here last season and got caught out by the weather and the same has happened this year," he lamented.

"I don't mind if it's wet or dry - I just wish it would be one or the other for the full race distance here so that everyone has an even chance."

With a number of riders failing to finish, Andrews and Piranha Racing team retain fifth place in the Championship as they head to the next round at Mallory Park on July 17 and 18.