Margaret Cooper gave a talk on "Going to school a century ago" at the June meeting.

Four members sold WI goods at the summer fayre organised by Wyre Leisure Services to benefit people using the Memorial Park community centre.

Order forms for spring flowering bulbs, should be returned by September 3.

Betty Knock volunteered to be the "Get Well" representative.

Broomy WI is celebrating its 75th anniversary by raising funds for "Water for all", organised by the Associated Country Women of the World, with a quiz, which members were invited to enter.

On August 6 at 6.30pm, a Summer Punch and Pie Party will be held at Areley Kings community centre.

Orders for diaries and calendars will be taken at the next meeting, which is on July 21 at 10am in the Memorial Park community centre, Stourport, when CP Hadwell will talk about Faberg Eggs.