I WAS concerned to read that Phillpott's bosses are being petitioned by local politicians regarding too much free speech in the Evening News.

That's all I read it for!

Now that our media are largely puppets of American interests, the Evening News is a beacon of hope that there is still some opportunity to challenge our media masters' global interests.

President George Bush announced this week that Turkey "must" become a member of the EU - just as it has become a member of the North Atlantic treaty organisation.

No doubt we shall have an "Irish" vote on the subject - that is we shall be told to vote until we "get to see' things" Uncle Sam's way.

You will not hear a whisper about this on the BBC's Voice of America or read about it in many newspapers, nor will the sneering comedians on Radio 4 tackle the subject with the enthusiasm they attack British popular sentiments.

So it's vital we keep the Evening News going as a ray of common sense in an increasingly oppressive age.

Long may Phillpott, D E Margrett, Wendy Hands et al all have their gloriously divergent say - and two fingers to the slithering individuals at the Guildhall.

