VANDALS wrecked hours of work by volunteers at the Pickersleigh Centre in Malvern by ripping up plants and trampling on a garden.

Herbs were pulled from a plot behind the car park at the community centre on June 23, while plants in a wildlife garden were trampled on.

The herb garden was refurbished in March at an initial cost of around £240 and volunteers put in many hours getting it ready for the re-opening of the centre in May.

The cost of putting right the damage caused by the vandals has been put at £50.

Jenette Davy, manager of the Pickersleigh Centre, said that she thought adults must have taken the herbs, as 'neat little holes' had been dug and the thieves had clearly selected certain plants and neglected others.

She believes the thieves must have struck during the day, as they had obviously been able to select the herbs they wanted.

"I just found the whole thing very disheartening," said Mrs Davy.

"So much work was put into this garden and this is the response we get.

"We've to keep reminding ourselves that it's only a minority of Malvern residents."

Vandals also attacked a Malvern Link church last weekend, throwing a beer bottle through a stained glass window.

Terry Blake, secretary at the United Reformed Church in Worcester Road, said the attack left three holes in the central section of stained glass and cracks in 23 small leaded panes.

"When we arrived for the service on Sunday morning there was a beer bottle lying in the aisle and glass all over the place," he said.

"We were a bit upset to be honest. It's mindless vandalism."

A specialist has been called in to repair the window at the cost of £700.