THE result of months of hard work will be judged on Monday when the Heart of England in Bloom committee visits Upton.

Judges Bob Harris and Les Goodman will be met at noon on Monday (July 5) by Upton in Bloom committee members, who will take them on a town route.

The exact journey will be decided on the day, once bridge traffic has been assessed, but will include three boats filled with blooms, hanging baskets in the town centre, where an automatic watering system has been installed, and the Rotary Club logo reproduced in flowers at the Pepperpot.

The 10-strong committee has been planning this year's entry since November and committee advisor Doug Fletcher said that he would be very tense when the judges arrived.

"I'm always nervous about it, but it should get gold on effort alone. It's just about saying a prayer really," he said.

Upton picked up a gold in the Large Villages category when it entered the national competition for the first time last year and hopes to do the same again this year.

Mr Fletcher said it was crucial that local people turned out to support the town when the judges visited and said he hoped to see large crowds filling the Pepperpot.

"People around Upton have been absolutely brilliant so far and community involvement's what it's all about," he added.

The town will not find out the judges' decision on its entry until September.

An internal competition to find the best pubs and gardens, restaurants, courtyards and shop window displays incorporating flowers in Upton is also due to be judged over the next few days.