WELLAND junior football club will meet at The Hill Centre, Upton, tomorrow (Saturday) and next Saturday to register league players for the uner-12s, 13s, 14s, 15s and 16s squads.

Players meet 10am at The Hill, for more details call Pete on 07768 657870. Please note, the club's AGM has changed from July 9 to Friday, July 16, also at The Hill Centre.

The club are looking forward to next season and being able to commence activities on the new field. Junior football club for Welland returns on Saturday, September 18.

Remember that tomorrow is also the day of Welland fete, all the usual fete-fun including tombola, jumble table, raffle, paint-a-plate competition, teas/coffees, cake stall, barbecue and all sorts of other attractions.