MALVERN RFC have 10 places booked on a RFU tag rugby coaching course at Shipston-on-Stour Rugby Club on Sunday, July 11.

It is an all day event and lunch will be provided by the host club.

As part of the Malvern Rugby Club's community support programme, three places for the course are being offer to the general public, free of charge and including free transport to/from Shipston-on-Stour.

The only stipulation attached to the offer is that the candidates must be keen and willing to promote and coach tag rugby in local community schemes over the next 12 months.

Malvern Rugby Club would prefer to see the productive use of the RFU tag-rugby coaching qualification for the local community rather than the candidate using the qualification just to expand his/her curriculum vitae.

The offer for the three free places for the general public will close on Wednesday, July 7.

If you are interested then please call Gary Tolley on 07710 493468 to book a place.