VANDALS have attacked the mayor of Bewdley's car after he spoke out against a "gang war" between town estates - a problem which has also led to options for a skateboard park being scrapped.

Tony Williams said his car was set upon and "keyed".

On Monday night, Bewdley Town Council voted not to pursue plans to build a skateboard park - a long-standing project for the town council - in either Wribbenhall or Bark Hill but find a "neutral" location.

The decision came after a petition from residents in Bark Hill.

Mr Williams had said last week that youngsters from the two estates were at "war" after a new play area in Shaw Hedge Road, Wribbenhall, was vandalised and graffiti left by the "Bark Hill crew".

Speaking this week, he said: "Although they have damaged my property I would hope to achieve a sensible attitude from the parents of youths who are responsible for it."

Mr Williams said he would "rise above" the attack and made a sober appeal for calm.

to youths from both estates.

He added: The appeal is from the mayor of Bewdley - please calm down. Let's get back to normality because, if we don't, we will lose all support from the people who are concerned about young people in Bewdley.