I HAVE just returned from holiday to see Mr McMillan-Scott's letter of June 10.

I challenge him to show any evidence in the planning file that we intended to build a bungalow. The only significant changes made to our original plans, was to alter the drive from Yock Lane to Wick House Close and to have a single garage instead of a double.

I think that statements like the above and the misrepresentations referred to by Mr Hotham last week influenced villagers in his survey.

Mr McMillan-Scott continues to object to the damage to the historic views in and out of Wick. Photographs show that when the Hudson family owned Wick House (which they allowed to become derelict) there was a large holly hedge bordering Yock Lane allowing no real view.

You are told that there has been a campaign of intimidation against the objectors. Following the recent attack on our property; we were only able to go on holiday when a friend offered to sleep in the house.

Mr McMillan-Scott states that our new house does not enhance the area. That is not a fact, it is his opinion. I disagree, so do many others and so did the planning committee of Wychavon.

Mr McMillan-Scott is, rather later in the day, objecting to other single houses in Wychavon. I fear that already his unrelenting campaign will deter others from building anything that is not wholly conventional.

MICHAEL J COX, Wick House Close, Wick.