GOD save us from UKIP" and "UKIP is just a bunch of greedy hypocrites" - so read the headlines D E Margrett's letter on June 23 and 26.

He does not say who his God is but as he says he prefers the BNP it is likely he does not have one.

Margrett's witterings are an irrelevant nonsense. Due to UKIP's brilliant success in recent elections they now have the eyes, ears and voice of the media previously denied them.

Their success represents the true feelings of the majority of the electorate which wants out of the EU.


At last, thanks to UKIP, this has to be acknowledged by all main parties thereby ensuring a referendum on the European constitution and, with it, withdrawal from the EU.

UKIP is expressing the wishes of the people of Great Britain. It is not pretending to be in a position to offer an alternative government at the present time.


Lower Broadheath,
