ORGANIC farmers need to be more organised and professional to make a good living in the modern food market, according to Ralph Human, managing director of the Organic Livestock Marketing Co-operative.

While food scares such as BSE and the foot and mouth epidemic motivated many people to eat organic meat in the past, he said farmers could not rely on attracting fresh business that way, hence the need for organisation and a professional approach.

OLMC will make this point with its exhibit in the Organic Farming and Food Centre at the Royal Show at Stoneleigh from Sunday, July4, to Wednesday, July 7.

Mr Human said: "Over 25 per cent of organic beef is still imported so there is a still a significant opportunity for British producers. But producers need to realise that while they were in the driving seat when the organic market was a niche, they are no longer in that position."

He pointed out that 85 per cent of organic meat was sold through supermarkets and the rest through other processors and butchers and added: "If you are going to work with these people you must be organised and professional and ensure that the customer has confidence in you."