The group won the Challenge Shield for the highest marks at the spring rally, held at the Ramada Hotel, and the flower arrangers won the Silver Cup.

Four members had pictures displayed at the Rose Theatre.

At the June meeting a report was given on a successful "murder" evening, and Marjorie Whiting, from Astley, who attended the annual meeting in Sheffield as link delegate, reported on the results of the voting.

Liz Smith then gave a talk on "Ewe and you", a charity run by Mrs Smith and her husband, Geoffrey, which provides free country holidays for children.

Margaret Shaddock's 80th birthday was celebrated with a cake and wine. Members and friends shared reminiscences with her, in a form of "This is your life".

The next meeting is on Monday, July 12 at 7.30pm in Areley Kings village hall, when the speaker will be Derek Harrington on "Bewdley - a riverside town".