A GOVERNMENT inspector is being asked to rule on an application for a certificate of lawfulness for 10 additional mobile homes on an existing caravan site at Long Carrant Caravan Park, Cheltenham Road, Ashton-under-Hill.

An appeal was put to the Planning Inspectorate after Wychavon District Council failed to make a decision within the appropriate time scale.

The case depends entirely on whether the 10 additional mobile homes could not be provided lawfully without needing further planning permission.

In the grounds of appeal, agent Richard Mumford for the owners Mrs M. Portman and Mr S. Portman, says: "The whole of the caravan site is one planning unit. There is joint use of ablution block, access and other facilities. The site licence and original planning permission are all for the whole site."

He says development started 15 years ago and is far in excess of the time in which any Breach of Condition Notice or other Enforcement Notice can be served.

Mr Mumford claims: "Since there is a valid planning permission which would permit the siting of mobile homes, there is no further planning issue, either with regards to character and appearance, or highway safety. It is submitted, therefore, that a Certificate should be issued."