PARISH COUNCIL: The parish council met on Thursday, June 10, in the Pavilion.

Coun Rod Stroud was elected as chairman, and made clear his intention to serve one further year only. Coun Martin Grantham was elected as vice-chairman.

A litter bursary will be awarded to a group which undertakes the work. Coun Simpson agreed to organise the work on behalf of the Lenches Lions Football team, who need help in setting up their club. This would also give the young lads an awareness of working for the community for the common good. It was proposed by coun Davey and seconded by coun Badger and unanimously accepted that he undertake the project.

PARISH MEETING: A parish meeting was held in the village hall.

The chairman, coun Rod Stroud, opened the meeting by welcoming the two parishioners present and councillors Davey, Simpson, Cleary and Jones. He explained that the purpose of the meeting was to allow people to air their views on local matters to the parish council and make their feelings known.

He was disappointed at the attendance of the meeting.

He gave a resume of the events of the past year.

Precept - the precept had been maintained at £5,930, the same as year 2003/04.

The meeting was then thrown open for general discussion when the following items were raised:

Mr Jinman of Evesham Road and coun Davey of Low Road requested intervention to reduce the speeding on both these roads through the village. It was agreed that the parish council would write to PC John Watts to set up a discretionary speed check during peak hours in the morning and evening. Frequent known offenders would be visited on production of the number plate details. These details should be given to the chairman, clerk or coun Davey.

Mr Jinman requested that an investigation into water seepage onto Evesham Road, near the Village Pond site be made as it posed a real threat of accident during cold weather due to freezing. It was agreed that the clerk would write to the Highways Department to request assistance.