A FAMILY of gypsies has appealed against an enforcement notice to kick them off green belt land.

The Evans brothers set up site on land to the east of Colley Pits Lane, Upton Warren, despite the land being in the green belt.

The site had no planning permission but the brothers set about constructing driveways, erecting a portaloo and laying hardcore.

Principal planning officer for Wychavon District Council, Graeme Duerden, said: "We have to be concerned about all developments in the green belt."

When the family, who had parked three touring caravans and one static caravan on the site, was served with an enforcement notice on April 15 they left the site.

But the hardcore they had used to create the makeshift drive remained, as did the static caravan.

Now the brothers have appealed against the enforcement notice in the hope they could return to the site.

They have asked for the appeal to be heard at an informal hearing, but Wychavon District Council has requested a formal inquiry, where there is a more detailed description of events.

Mr Duerden added: "It is a problem all over the district.

"There is a national shortage of sites for travelling communities. What would be better is if the travellers contacted us before they set up site and then we could advise them where to go."

It is expected to be decided how the appeal will be heard in the next two weeks.