A BROMSGROVE athlete has had the honour of carrying the Olympic Flame through the streets of London.

Tennis player Adam Hodgson, part of Worcestershire Special Olympics, joined some of the biggest names in British sport on the Olympic Torch Relay in the capital last Saturday.

The 23-year-old, who has learning difficulties, was selected as one of six people from Special Olympics nationwide and carried the torch through Piccadilly Circus into Shaftesbury Avenue and Gerrard Street.

Adam was one of 140 people, including Sir Steve Redgrave and Tim Henman, who saw the torch along its 48km route from Wimbledon to central London before a televised evening concert in the Mall.

He said: "It was quite an achievement. I was actually quite shocked because I didn't realise I would get nominated - obviously somebody out there likes me!

"It was quite amazing really to see so many people and mix with other people."

London was the 23rd leg of the relay as the torch makes its way across all five continents ahead of the Olympic Games in Athens in August.