PUPILS at Droitwich Spa High School are set to be offered extra curricular activities with a difference.

With years 10 to 13 away on study leave and work experience, the younger pupils will be given the chance to take part in an Alternate Curriculum Experience (ACE).

Instead of their normal lessons this week, students can take part in activities including horse riding, aromotherapy, skiing and circus skills, among many others.

A dozen students are also going to produce an in-house newspaper covering the range of events on offer.

PE teacher Andy Duffy helped organise the ACE week.

He said: "This was an initiative that worked really well last year with all the pupils involved benefiting from being able to focus on an activity for a much longer time than the school timetable usually allows.

"We are all very excited about it -- the school is certainly going to be very different for these four days."