A BROMSGROVE 'charitea' is launching a quiz to find out how much residents know about the nation's favourite drink.

The Primrose Hospice is inviting townsfolk to take part in their Tea at Three challenge with the chance to grab one of three top prizes.

The event is part of the National Hospice Care Campaign, which takes place throughout June to raise awareness and funds for hospices across the UK.

Residents can pick up an entry form for £1 from the Primrose charity shop in High Street, as well as at a number of town pubs. All the questions will be about tea. Completed forms must be sent back to the hospice by June 30.

Prizes include a two-night break at the Hanover International Hotel, in Kidderminster Road, tickets to Cadbury World and a meal for two at the Epic Bar and Brasserie.

To coincide with the Tea at Three campaign, the St Godwald's Road hospice is hosting a special event on June 14, between 3 and 5pm.

Residents can enjoy a good cuppa, along with a slice of Jane Asher's delicious Tea at Three cake. Jenny Hutchinson will sing songs from the shows and there will also be a raffle and tombola.

"Come and take part in Britain's biggest tea party or hold your own," said the hospice's community fundraiser Lyn Winters. June also marks Go Yellow month and fun-lovers are being urged to hold a colourful fundraising event.

"Have a wear yellow day or start a grow-a-sunflower competition," suggests Lyn.

For further details call the hospice on 01527 875444.