PRESIDENT Jill Findon welcomed members on a May day afternoon to Finstall WI's resolution meeting. But first there was the sad news that Dorothy Hughes had passed away. In memory, members stood for a while in silence. Dorothy was a loyal member and was president for more years than any other member. The feelings of the committee and members were expressed and our thoughts are with her husband Stan. Dorothy will be missed by us all.

After the business, Alice Bates, Olive Young and Jill Findon presented the three resolutions to the members and were discussed and voted on. A quiz took place at teatime served by Lorna and Betty. A sales table run by Margaret was a big success. Margaret Crowther will once again hold strawberry tea as a fundraiser and our Birthday Outing will be to the Botanical Gardens, in Birmingham, in June.

It was a good meeting and new members are always very welcome.