LACK of respect for rights of smokers read the headline on Christopher Barlow's letter in You Say.

His letter described any government legislation on smoking in public places, as imposing draconian restraints on a legal behaviour.

By contrast, Peter Alcock took a light-hearted view on smoking in pubs. He proposed the reintroduction of The Smoke room as a solution.

Well, according to the findings by The Royal College of Physicians and published in the Evening News on May 17, 3,600 people, under 65 years of age, die every year from passive smoking.

These alarming findings have to be seen in the context of 30 years of government's efforts to educate, warn and inform the public on the dangers of smoking.

I too, believe in live and let live, but I happen to think that the practice of smoking in public places to the detriment of the general public's health, should not be allowed to go on unchecked.

L SPITERI, Worcester.