YOUTHS living on two Redditch estates are being offered a more positive alternative to hanging about on street corners - which can often lead to the intimidation of nearby residents, particularly the elderly.

Detached youth workers employed by the Worcestershire County Council Youth Service are now working with youngsters aged 13-19 on two estates in Lodge Park and Batchley.

They intend to contact and work with those young people who hang around or play on the streets to offer them their skills and experience.

A spokesman said: "We hope to encourage positive activities and involvement by the young people.

"We want to reassure local communities that these youngsters are less of a threat than they may think.

"We take out a variety of sports equipment and any other equipment which can be used outdoors and hope to offer arts projects and set up a Citizens Award."

The workers want to provide support and encouragement to those young people who want to provide their own facilities for teenagers in their area.

The team also plans trips out of the town and wants to give the youngsters a voice within the community.

Councillors have already been approached about the scheme and have asked to be informed about its progress.

For more details, call Paul Bolton on 63821 or 592924.