ROOFER was sentenced to three months in prison after drinking and driving a fortnight after he was banned from the roads for three years.

Nicholas Scott, of Nixon Close, Callow End, ner Worcester, was disqualified on Friday, May 7, for drink-driving. On Monday, May 24, he was spotted by police officers in Troutbeck Drive, Tolladine.

Scott, aged 23, said he was just moving the Vauxhall Cavalier to a friend's house but failed two breath tests.

The lower of the two readings was 58mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath. The limit is 35mcg.

Scott yesterday admitted at Worcester Magistrates Court to driving while disqualified, drink-driving and having no insurance.

"The offence of driving while disqualified is aggravated by the excess alcohol and having no insurance," said Lesley Ashton, prosecuting.

"My client employs four people who will be out of work if he goes to prison," said Richard Hull, defending.

The magistrates said the offences were so serious a jail sentence was their only option.

Scott was sentenced to three months in prison for driving while disqualified, two months for having excess alcohol - to run concurrent - and was banned from driving for a further three years.