SEVEN thousand patients will be able to register with an NHS dentist when two new practices open in Worcestershire.

The practices in Malvern and Droitwich should go some way to making up for the loss of 35,000 NHS places across the south of the county when new dental contracts came into place on Saturday, April 1.

Last month the Worcester News revealed that half of the region's NHS dentists had refused to sign the Government's new contracts, and would in future only be treating private patients. At the time just four practices were accepting new NHS patients.

The two new dental practices opening on Thursday, June 1, will be in Spring Lane, Malvern Link and Worcester Road, Droitwich.

A new dentist has also joined Richmond Road Dental Practice in Malvern and is taking new NHS patients.

Previously, the Worcestershire Local Dentist Committee has accused the South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust of letting down the 35,000 patients and not being flexible enough when negotiating the new contracts with dentists.

But Paul Bates, acting chief executive of the PCT, said the new dentists proved the PCT was making strides to replace the lost access to NHS dental healthcare.

Mr Bates said he was "delighted" to announce the opening of the new practices. The practice in Malvern Link, will initially have a full-time dentist with another joining him within the next few months," he said.

"This, together with the extra dentist at another practice, will create 4,300 places.

"In Droitwich the new practice will have one dentist working at the practice and catering for 2,500 patients for the first three months with another joining the practice in August, taking the total to more.

"This is the first step in putting NHS dental care back into the towns.

"Families will once again be able to choose between paying privately for their care or joining an NHS practice."

Mr Bates added that the PCT would shortly be entering into a tendering process to replace all the lost access for NHS patients.

"We hope to have alternatives in place by the end of the year," he said.

Families are welcome to join both practices through the Dental Helpline on 01905 760111. People will not be able to sign on directly at the practices.