PARLEZ-vous Francais?

Children in Ombersley are learning to do just that in a new class aimed at giving them a head start across the Channel.

Gill Nixon, headteacher at Ombersley First School, off Droitwich Road, said she hoped more parents would take up the chance for their children to learn the language and culture of France.

The Government wants to phase in the teaching of a second language for primary school children by the year 2010 and an a new scheme called La Jolie Ronde has been set up at the school.

It is a fun course aimed at giving young children the basic skills, and is held at the school at 3pm on Mondays and Thursdays.

"The lessons are 30-minutes long and they are designed to be fun with songs, rhymes and games," said Mrs Nixon.

"It is a fantastic foundation for the children before they move on to middle school and has proved very successful so far."