CATSHILL WI member Ann Day, a very accomplished and talented needle woman, entertained members at the April meeting with an interesting talk and demonstration on patchwork quilting.

Ann told members that her interest in handicrafts had begun at an early age, when, on a cold and wet Sunday, her father was left to entertain a lively five-year-old -- and taught her to knit.

Her interest progressed from knitting to dress making and eventually to patchwork quilting. Not content with designing her own unique patterns Ann also dyes her own materials, creating beautiful and distinct effects.

Mary Davies continued the evening by giving a report on the Annual General Meeting. More than 800 members attended the event, with the highlight being the amusing talk given by Clarissa Dickinson-Wright, the well-known personality and television cook.

Mary then asked for volunteers to help out at the Worcester Flower Show, to be held at Worcester Cathedral later in the year.

President, Hazel Aston, informed members that a visit to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens had been arranged for June. This would include a tour of the gardens followed by a cream tea. She also reminded members that following the resolutions meeting in May, members would be treated to a fish and chip supper.

Hazel then gave our best wishes to Grace Berwick who is recovering from an operation. Everyone hoped she would make a speedy recovery. The competition winner of the evening was Joan Flowerday.