UNFORTUNATELY, predictions by Peter Nielsen (You Say, Monday, May 3) regarding Blair's incompetence are coming into fruition.

Blair is hell-bent on Europe at any price, and I see the constitution referendum as a scheme to save his political neck.

His only salvation would be for the people to consider his political stance as at best foolish, and at worst, a man on a mission to destroy this country.

I along with many others, criticised Maggie Thatcher for her mistakes.

However, they were mistakes that this once-great country of ours was able to rectify. I fear that Blair's mistakes will haunt us forever.

Add to this Gordon Brown's so-called frugal handling of the economy, now placing this country into massive borrowings in excess of £100bn, through PFI debts.

So yes - we should get rid of New Labour.

BRIAN HUNT, Worcester.