THE Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome that sadly affects our current society has been referred to many times in these columns.

But I doubt that any words of mine on the Equality Myth are likely to change the brainwashed minds of social scientists, who direct the thinking processes of social engineers and political pawns.

However, even the completely corrupted must have been revolted by the sight of American servicewomen violating Iraqi prisoners, while engaging in acts of sexual depravity.

It would be difficult to imagine anything worse than this, to inflame Muslim opinion against our so-called western civilisation!

Naval wives warned that women sailors on warships would cause havoc. The scandals gleefully reported in the gutter Press are legend, marriage break-ups and abandoned spouses common-place.

It would appear that a clumsy attempt has been made - possibly by the same international interests that caused Bush and Toady Blair to make an illegal pre-emptive strike against Iraqi - to tar the British Army with the "American Brush", when posed photographs have apparently been purchased from troops alleged to be ill-treating detainees.

A thorough investigation by the Special Investigations Branch of the Royal Military Police is underway and the truth will come out.

Thinking people, however, should question whether a complete review of policy is not overdue, on the integration of women into frontline units of our Armed Forces.

The street savages of Redditch and Worcester, who seek to impress females in order to mate with them, differ very little from some service personnel.

Experienced people, especially those with active service experience, will confirm this. Discipline means the control of each for the benefit of all. Fifty-seven years ago, I was a troop sergeant on active service, when it was anything but easy.

I do not envy officers, warrant officers and NCOs endeavouring to maintain standards in our present society.

