WET weather proved no deterrent to Malvern revellers determined to celebrate May Day in style.

Despite the drizzle, high spirits prevailed at Priory Park on Saturday, with plenty of music and entertainment.

Some stallholders had to leave because of the weather but Malvern Springers Gymnastic Club kept their mats dry and gave an excellent display, while the bands played in the bandstand undeterred. Face-painting and costume and banner making continued under cover of large tents until well after the parade.

As the parade began at 2pm, led by Malvern Samba Band, rain fell once more, but no-one seemed to mind and the drums and dancing continued for an hour.

One of the organisers Malcolm Victory said: "We were delighted with the response from the many charities and organisations, performers, helpers and stallholders and hope they will be ready to improve on the event next year."

The fun continued in the evening with a dance at the youth centre, in Albert Road North, with some 200 people gyrating to an intoxicating mix of rhythms.

"Malvern Samba Band presented a half-hour set that got people dancing and rhythms so intrigued the mainly African Explosive Nzakomba that during their second hour-long set, Daniel Isakonga invited the Samba band on stage for a spectacular number that blended Latin and African beats in a wall of sound," said Mr Victory.