INSPIRATION flowed from competitors in the annual well-dressing competition on the Malvern Hills.

Using every type of decoration, from the traditional flowers and ribbons to sculptures made from wicker, earth and even bin bags, they spent last Friday sprucing up their chosen spouts.

Organiser Rose Garrard said: "I went round on Sunday and there were masses more people looking at the wells than usual. "We had a real coverage of the whole of the hills this year, which was fabulous."

Lower Wyche Spout was the winner of the open section of the competition, run by Malvern Spa Association to highlight the need to preserve the springs and fountains around the Malvern Hills.

Debbie and Jess Sly captured the theme of Mother Earth with a figure of a pregnant woman sculpted from earth, lying in front of the decorated spout.

In the small group section, Barbara Meadows drew on the 19th Century tradition of well-dressing to decorate Earl Beauchamp's Spout.

Winner in the children's section was Westminster Bank Spring, decorated by Years 5 and 6 at St James's School, West Malvern. This included a straw-stuffed Mother Earth, a sun and international flags.

The chairman's special prize went to the Friends of Aquarius, for creating a turf and flower mound covering to decorate Malvhina, on Belle Vue Terrace.

Open Competition

Winner: Debbie and Jess Sly (Lower Wyche Spring). Highly commended: Malvern Civic Society (Temperance Fountain).

Small Group (up to three people)

Winner: Barbara Meadows (Earl Beauchamp's Spout).

Runner-up: Karen Berzack (Evendine Spring).

Children's Group

Winners: Years 5 & 6 St James's School (Westminster Bank Spring).

Highly commended: Colwall Brownies (Wyche Spring).