THE normal (and lively!) discussions over the architectural merits of any planning application for the Gold Hill site should not obscure the need for a new site to be located and funded for a purpose-built care facility.

The article in the Malvern Gazette (April 23) clearly detailed the search for a new site in the Malvern area and the need to raise funds through the Avenue Road site; indeed we received many supportive telephone calls - some with constructive suggestions as to possible locations.

However, the letter with accompanying photograph published today 'Flats would look well in Leeds' (Your Letters, April 30), makes no specific mention of the proposal to find a more suitable site for a care facility, focussing instead on the legitimate and normal concerns of the writer in respect of the submitted redevelopment plans.

I am sure that neither you or the writer would have wished this focus to have caused any distress among the Gold Hill residents and other members of the community about the security of the future.

The ongoing care of residents at Gold Hill and looking to resolve the problems faced by the care sector by planning for the future remains my prime concern.

JAMES HILL, Manor Care Ltd., Gold Hill Residential Home, Avenue Road, Malvern.