Who on Earth would announce a forthcoming murder?

That is what the inhabitants of Chipping Cleghorn wonder when they read in the local paper that a murder will take place that evening at Little Paddocks, the home of the well-respected Miss Blakelock.

Is it a practical joke? If so, the joke turns sour when a mysterious foreigner invades the house and holds them up at gunpoint ... and then ends up dead himself.

This is the storyline of Agatha Christie's famous work A Murder Is Announced, which is to be performed on stage at the Norbury Theatre in Droitwich next week.

As would be expected with an Agatha Christie story, Inspector Craddock and Miss Marple are soon on the scene and there is no shortage of suspects. But who is the intended victim?

Is Miss Blakelock hiding something? What secrets are the impoverished writer and the temperamental maid concealing? And what about her niece and nephew? They are all short of money.

And, not surprisingly, soon somebody tries again, and this time...To find out more, book a seat at Droitwich's Norbury Theatre.

From next Wednesday, May 12 - Saturday, May 15, the Norbury Players will provide a thrilling and mystifying evening as they uncover the murderer.

Tickets (£6.50) are available by calling the box office on 01905 770154.