AS a family living barely 50 feet away from the proposed football stadium, we are writing to say that we were overjoyed to read that David Hallmark's "passionate" plea to councillors to overturn the Government inspector's recommendations has failed.

It appears that, at last, common sense has prevailed. We are now hoping that this will finally be the end of the matter, and that this ridiculous plan will now be put to rest.

I'm sure that the people of Swinesherd, together with residents living on the eastern end of Spetchley Road, who already suffer the adjacent M5 together with the eastern by-pass traffic, will breathe a sigh of relief that they have been spared yet another monstrosity.

Unfortunately, and talking of monstrosities, we can't do anything about the palatial new council offices currently being built by the Countryside Centre.

We are, however, waiting to see how many parking spaces are being provided here, bearing in mind that there is a major bus route on the doorstep and excellent footpath links. Incidentally, we have heard that this building is being provided under a PFI contract - that's basically the same thing as the new hospital isn't it!

On a brighter note, it's still not too late to banish the proposed park-and-ride off Swinesherd Way firmly to the rubbish bin. Anyone with an iota of sense can see this simply will not work at this location and will undoubtedly provide yet another sponge, should it go ahead, to soak up our recent inflation-busting council tax increases.



