Reports were given on visits to the Rose Theatre, Kidderminster to see Sailor Beware and to the half-yearly meeting in Malvern.

Members attended the resolutions meeting at Fairfield village hall, and will be debating these at a meeting on Monday at Wolverley church hall.

A group of members attended the Leys group, at Wolverley. Today Jeanne Round is taking part in the WI golf tournament.

On Wednesday, 13 members will visit the Rose Theatre to see The Business of Murder. Names were taken for the walk and supper in Hallow in May 24.

On May 18, four members will represent Cookley in the bridge section of the parish games, at Stone.

A coffee morning/plant swap and ploughman's lunch will be held at the home of Bert and Mrs Round on June 26.

The April meeting ended with Mervyn Silcox's talk on Kidderminster markets, from 1168, when Minesta Bisset brought Kidderminster for £20.