I HOPE that Kidderminster Harriers chairman Colin Youngjohns and other residents near Sutton Park Road are successful in attempting to save the mature trees in that area from destruction by David Wilson Homes Ltd, who plan to build apartment blocks there.

Getting the council to recognise the environmental and aesthetic benefits of our trees will be an uphill struggle as they appear to regard them only as a financial burden.

The development would back onto and overlook Mr Youngjohns garden, and he has said that he does not see how it is acceptable to affect people's lives like this.

It is a shame that the same concern is not shown for residents living in the vicinity of his football club.

Apart from litter and vandalism, and floodlights lighting up our homes at night, there has been inadequate parking since the closure of the college car park last year.

We now have to put up with supporters' cars blocking our roads and pavements, and fans struggle to find anywhere to park.