YOUNGSTERS at two Redditch schools are celebrating after receiving an educational boost thanks to a funding scheme.

Holyoakes Field First School, Bridge Street, has received £300 to set up and develop a conservation and garden area for the pupils thanks to Yorkshire Bank's Educational Awards Scheme.

The pupils will be able to sow their own seeds and learn how to cultivate and care for them.

Oak Hill First School, Wirehill Drive, has put the money it received towards equipment for a newly established allotment in the school grounds.

The funding has enabled the school to buy gardening tools for the children to use and a shed to store the equipment.

Jacqui Atkinson, community relations manager at Yorkshire Bank, said: "We established the Educational Award Scheme to support schools seeking financial assistance for curriculum projects.

"I'm really pleased we've been able to help the children at both Holyoakes and Oak Hill school and I hope all the children enjoy their new ventures."