YOUNG people hit the headlines too often for the wrong reasons.

Drink, drugs, vandalism and truancy are just four of the negative topics we read and write about on a regular basis.

But we know that there are far more positive stories to be told and we want to tell them.

For this reason we are proud to launch the Alcester Chronicle Young Person of the Year Award.

It is open to anyone between the ages of 11 and 18 living in the Chronicle circulation area and making a positive impact in the community.

The winner will receive a trophy and £50 worth of high street vouchers and a further £100 for a local youth project of their choice.

It might be someone, or a small group, who is working with disadvantaged people or raising money for charity.

It might be someone who has overcome their own personal problems or achieving great things in music, sport or drama.

Entrants must be nominated and prepared to have their story told in the paper over the next few weeks.

To nominate a young person, write to us and tell us in no more than 150 words why you think they deserve to win and send it to Young Person of the Year Award, Alcester Chronicle, Yorkshire Bank Chambers, 7 Unicorn Hill, Redditch, Worcs B97 4QR. The winner will be announced in the summer.