Saturday, May 7, 1904

SIX youths named Joseph Wilkes, Charles Wilkes, Alfred Gibbs, Ernest Sealey, Ernest Tolley and Frederick Haden were charged with playing tip-cat in Beoley Road on April 25th, to the annoyance of fellow passengers.

They pleaded guilty.

The facts were stated by Pc Gerrard, who informed the bench that Charles Sealey was hit at in the eye with a tip-cat which nearly blinded him and a public lamp had also been smashed.

Several complaints were received from people who objected to the game being played in the street.

Mr Morgan said he was hit with a tip-cat not long ago.

Sealey and Haden were let off on payment of the costs of 2s each but the other defendants, who had been previously convicted, were find 1s and 4s costs each, to be paid by Saturday, or three days in default.