MANY readers of your paper living in the Bromsgrove Road, Plymouth Road and Oakly Road area of Redditch will no doubt recall being asked by myself and Debbie Taylor to sign our petition over the dangerous road crossing arrangements across the front of the bus station heading into town.

It is our belief the current arrangements are downright dangerous and based on the numbers of people - including young, old and those pushing buggies - who "risk the wall of death" into town on that side of the road, it represents a serious accident waiting to happen.

The response to our petition was overwhelming. We collected hundreds of signatures in just a couple of weeks.

This letter is by way of thanks to those people who supported us and an update as to what we see has been achieved so far.

The petition itself was presented to full council by Debbie Taylor. A motion was put forward by Labour Councillor Steve Wheeler supporting our concerns and asking the council to pass on its concern over the matter to the county council, which is partly responsible for the crossing arrangements along with Thornfield, the shopping centre operators.

This was agreed by the council and the concerns have been formally sent to County Hall.

Another step in the right direction was achieved in that in their recent planning application for further development of the shopping centre, including a new cinema, a condition has been included in the outline approval requesting Thornfield to contribute towards improving the crossing arrangements in the area.

Nothing has happened yet but the signs are at least a little more positive than when we embarked on this project.

On behalf of myself and Debbie Taylor, thanks once again for your support.


Bromsgrove Road
