A GROUP of very different but extraordinarily talented youngsters are sent away from their parents for several weeks to perform musicals and plays in a variation of the traditional American summer camp.

They all come from various backgrounds and throughout the film, the viewers are shown the many different issues which affect these youngsters' lives.

Some very sad tales unravel throughout, including a girl who refuses to go to a "fat farm" for kids so her parents take the revolting decision to wire her jaw shut and a delightful gay teenager, Michael, who at the beginning of the film receives a severe beating for dressing as a woman to make a statement at his high school prom.

The most outstanding element of Camp is the amazing musical numbers, some of the singers are so astonishing, viewers will be left quite breathless. The script is also highly amusing.

Camp has been compared to Fame and this is a pretty fair summing up but this film has far more attitude and has a much greater impact.

Special features include a 20-minute documentary on the audition process and production of the film which clearly demonstrates what down to earth individuals these stars of the future really are.