THE Conservatives rolled out one of their big guns for the launch in Bromsgrove of their European election campaign in the West Midlands.

Tory co-chairman Dr Liam Fox and six of the seven prospective candidates were at a breakfast meeting on Friday at the Hanover International Hotel, in Kidderminster Road, to set out the party's policies ahead of the election on June 10.

"Our vision is founded on clear principles. We will work for a Europe that looks outwards, a made-to-measure Europe that welcomes differences, we'll promote flexibility for Britain to flourish, and get rid of at least 25 per cent of existing EU regulations," said Dr Fox.

Town MP Julie Kirkbride, whose shadow front bench duties prevented her from attending, said she was delighted Bromsgrove had been picked for such an important event.

"Voting in the election by anyone who supports the Conservative party's position to be in Europe but not run by Europe is absolutely vital if we are to successfully stand against the federal Europe agenda envisaged by the new European constitution."

Tessa Gillespie, Bromsgrove Conservative Association's new chairman, said she too had been pleased Bromsgrove had been chosen.

At present the Conservatives are the second largest party in Brussels and form the largest group from the UK.

Urging people to vote Mrs Gillespie said: "Conservative MEPS will expose fraud and waste and if people wish to see it curtailed they should vote Conservative."