A MESMERISING candlelit performance of vocal music will be a fitting finale to this year's Bromsgrove Festival.

Tenebrae, featuring choristers from the country's top choirs, will perform at St John's Parish Church, off Kidderminster Road, this Saturday night.

"I saw them at Tewkesbury Cathedral as part of the Cheltenham Festival and they were utterly mesmerising," said festival chairman Mary White.

The group is made up of 22 vocalists who are all members or former members of top choirs including King's College, Cambridge, and Westminster Abbey. They formed a little more than two years ago and are led by Nigel Short, a former singer with King's College.

They will perform a wide range of vocal music, including Plainsong, Taverner and Holst. The concert starts at 7.45pm. Other festival events this week include an evening of music and poetry at Dodford church tomorrow (Thursday) night at 7.45pm. Songs Gathered from the Fields will feature poetry by the 'peasant poet', John Clare.

On Friday night the big band era will be back in Bromsgrove with The Vince Ford Manhattan Orchestra, featuring vocalists Katherine Sykes and Dave West. The Spadesbourne Suite will be swinging from 7.45pm.

Tickets for all festival events are available from 01527 876504.

l IF you prefer rock music to jazz then why not check out the town talent at the Ryland Centre this Friday.

The New Road centre will be hosting a Battle of the Bands event from 7.30pm.