IMMEDIATE action is being taken to improve a dangerous stretch of road running through Rubery.

Officers from Worcestershire County Council have finally agreed to take steps to make safe part of the A38, which cuts through the heart of the village.

At a public meeting furious residents bombarded officers with their concerns about the road and demanded action.

"We have been asking for something to be done to improve safety on the A38 for more than two years but no one would listen," said Bromsgrove district councillor Peter McDonald (Lab-Waseley).

"Residents are really angry and I share in their frustrations."

The road has seen a number of nasty accidents, including the death of a teenage motorist at the turning into Callowbrook Lane earlier this year.

"We said there would be another fatality and there was. It is a shame that it had to come to this before officers sat up and took notice," added Cllr McDonald.

Highways chiefs have now agreed to take immediate action to improve signage on the A38 at the turning into Callowbrook Lane and Gannow Green Lane.

They will also carry out a more in-depth analysis of the stretch of road and from there decide the improvements which must be made.

Jon Fraser, the county council's networks control manager, who attended last Tuesday's meeting, said: "We discussed many issues at this meeting and residents expressed their concerns over the safety of the A38.

"As a short term solution we will look at improving the signage on the road and then carry out a more detailed survey and take it from there."