A GRIEVING Bromsgrove mother who has spent 30 years adorning her daughter's grave with animal ornaments was heartbroken to find they had all been stolen.

The collection of elephants, rabbits, cats, dogs and other animals had built up on the grave at Lickey Church since Jean Beattie's daughter, Tracy Jane, died in 1973.

Aged just 12, she was the victim of a car accident as she rode her bicycle on Lickey Road with her younger sister Julie, now aged 40.

"The car missed Julie but Tracy died. I've never got over it. Every time I go on holiday, I buy one of the stone ornaments. It's been my way of keeping her memory alive," said 68-year-old Mrs Beattie from Aston Fields. "Someone has taken them all, except a stone rabbit that was too big to carry. I can't believe anyone would do this. How low can you get?"

Mrs Beattie, who also has two sons, visited the grave at Easter on April 8. When she went again on April 26, the ornaments were gone.

She said her daughter had just started at Waseley Hills High School when she was killed in October 1973. A month later, she said, her own father died "of a broken heart" and she later separated from her husband.

"Tracy loved all kinds of animals," said Mrs Beattie. "I remember that about her so well. I'll have to carry on and replace them. They mean such a lot."

She said thieves had struck at the grave once before when her collection had been going for just four years. On that occasion, they took a stone dog she thought looked like Tracy's pet, Rusty. She had put a silver chain and medallion around its neck bearing the name.

"It's been quiet ever since for 26 years and now this has happened," Mrs Beattie said. "How can they do this? They can't even leave the dead in peace."

Rev Phillip Swan of Lickey Church said he was aware of occasional incidents in the churchyard and he was hoping to speak to Mrs Beattie.

Police are to investigate and are appealing for anyone who may have information to contact them on 08457 444 888.