IT was all aboard as the first of two new bus routes got under way at a Bromsgrove school this week.

There's one big difference between these and other buses - the Finstall first school passengers are all on foot.

Half a dozen pupils climbed on as the first walking bus set off yesterday (Tuesday) and a grand total of 15 signed up for the second route from Penmanor, which was due to start today (Wednesday).

"It was a pity about the weather for the first day but I think the rain had stopped by the time they got to school," said headteacher Tecwin Richards. "It's a very encouraging start and I'm sure it will gather momentum. We want to get more children out of the cars and back on foot."

The children are given yellow jackets to wear and are marshalled along the routes of around a mile by volunteer parents.

Area road safety officer John Dakin has trained the parents and signs have been put up along the route warning drivers to take care if they see the bus coming.