YOUR report headlined "Bishop target of right-wing" (Evening News, Friday, April 23) stated that the National Front was urging its members to take the Bishop of Worcester to task over his recent call to voters in the city to shun the BNP.

However, BNP county organiser Martin Roberts was quoted in the same article saying "the BNP would not be involved in anything like this. We're completely different from the NF".

Interestingly, the Evening News reported the next day that the French National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen was visiting Manchester to lend his support to the BNP. Reporting the event, The Guardian (Monday, April 26) quoted BNP leader Nick Griffin saying "we are here to represent the white majority". Presumably, the local BNP agrees with their leader's comments. I wonder if I am not the only one in Worcester finding it difficult to distinguish between the NF and BNP.


Holy Trinity Ward, Worcester.