THE family of a teenage girl who died after dancing with friends have spoken of their shock.

Claire Stones, a 17-year-old pupil at Pershore Sixth Form Centre, had had a heart defect since birth, but was living a normal, healthy life.

However, during a college social at The Marr's Bar, Pierpoint Street, Worcester, last Tuesday, Claire suddenly collapsed.

Claire - who was studying A-levels in drama, ICT and health and social care - was taken to Worcestershire Royal Hospital but died early the next morning.

Her father, Peter, said that despite the heart defect, the death of of the teenager, from Owletts End, Pinvin, near Pershore, had come as a terrible shock.

"She was getting stronger," said the 52-year-old plasterer.

His wife, Rose, added that Claire was a loving person who wanted to be a primary school teacher.

"She adored children," said Mrs Stones, aged 45.

The family has allowed some of Claire's organs to be removed for donation because they felt she would have wanted to help others.

They also expressed their gratitude after receiving more than 130 cards of support.

"The whole village has been wonderful," said Mrs Stones.

They are hoping for donations to be made to the Birmingham Children's Hospital heart unit, which is where Claire was treated.

Claire's funeral will be held at Pershore Abbey on Friday,

May 7.

The college is suspending the timetable for Year 12 pupils to allow them to attend.

Friend Lily Hurst will read a poem in Claire's memory.

"I'll miss her sense of humour and kind personality," said the 16-year-old.

An inquest into Claire's death was opened yesterday and adjourned until a date to be fixed.