I ENJOYED reading your article on my retirement from mayoral duties as Sergeant at Arms (mace) to Worcester City.

For me it was an honour to be of service to 18 excellent mayors of the City.

They were all distinct from each other, but each one communicated to me a feeling that it was special to be part of ceremonial in this proud city of my adoption, beloved Worcester.

I sincerely thank them and will cherish the memory.

It was especially gratifying for me to serve on three memorable occasions the two visits of Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip in 1989 when Councillor Brenda Sheridan was mayor, and in 2000 when Councillor Mary Drinkwater was first citizen.

The other occasion was The Granting of the Freedom to enter the City to the Grenadier Guards on May 22, 1999 when Councillor Jo Hodges was Mayor. Incidentally the mace was a weapon of war a club or truncheon - as a military weapon it went out of use in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1558-1603.

The ornamental mace of today is a Symbol of Authority.


Turrall Street, Worcester.