A SCHOOLBOY disc jockey from Kidderminster who won an award for his commitment to helping a children's helpline is set to spin his discs again to raise charity cash.

Baxter College pupil Richard Oakley was awarded the prestigious Princess of Wales Memorial Award last December after he raised more than £1,000 for the ChildLine charity and is set to host another fund-raising disco for the organisation.

The event will be held at Kidderminster Harriers Sports and Social Club on Saturday, May 1 and will include a raffle. Prizes will include footballs signed by the players and managers of Kidderminster Harriers Football Club and Worcester City Football Club.

Tickets for the West Midland Safari Park will also be up for grabs as well as hairdressing vouchers and a state-of-the-art burglar alarm.

Fifteen-year-old Richard, of Yeoman Close, Kidderminster, has been disco-mad for years and bought almost all of the hi-tech equipment he uses with his pocket money.

He said he had organised his latest fund-raiser because he wanted to help children less fortunate than himself and added he was planning to hold another event later in the year in aid of the County Air Ambulance.

His dad, Malcolm, added: "He can read music and plays the keyboard and he plays all sorts of music, from the 50s right through to today's hits.

"He's exceptionally talented and only uses the best quality equipment. He's got about 400 CDs."

He added his only son, who made his debut appearance at the Sutton Arms pub in Kidderminster 18 months ago, had also played at a policemen's ball in Stourport last year with his professional DJ friend, Simon James.

Tickets for his forthcoming gig, which runs from 7.30pm until 11.30pm, are available on the door.