HUMAN trafficking is an international tragedy. Young women, boys and girls are brought from their homes, often from Eastern Europe or the Far East, into the UK or other Western European cities with the promise of a "better life". Many, probably most, are set up as prostitutes. It has been estimated that a kept girl can earn up to £400,000 a year for her keeper.

Apparently, it was only recently that legislation from the Government has given the police power to act, if and when they can find these women, boys and girls, who are kept as virtual prisoners. At the business meeting that followed, we were pleased to welcome Jean Hill, president of Birmingham Central SI club who recently took part in University Challenge - The Professionals programme with three other well-known Soroptimists from around the country. We all look forward to seeing the programme, when it is screened in April

Although there was much business to be dealt with, president Judith conducted the meeting briskly as the snow began to fall outside the Perry Hall Hotel in Bromsgrove.