YOU say you do not want to mislead your readers about the budget so why, in your Opinion column, do you put comments like "in the long term the promises are not always delivered" (arguable) and "We shall see" about money promised to schools. More money has been pumped into state schools by this Labour government than by any Tory government. I do object to the thinly veiled political tone of your Opinion column.

I am pleased you agree with the government's acceptance that more houses need to be built and that you support the lady who wrote about the shortage of affordable housing in Malvern.

I do wish fewer letters were printed in your paper from people who object to any building in Malvern. You will no doubt say that you are only reflecting public opinion but I suggest that this is a minority that does not need to be given space.

I deplore this attitude of 'I came to live in Malvern because it's a nice place to live but I don't want anyone else coming here to spoil it, particularly those who might need social housing.'

Gill Holt, Bank Street, Malvern.